Monday, December 18, 2006

The Yoga Dozen

A Great Holiday Gift Idea!

Now until January 15th, get the special yogi in your life the gift of The Yoga Dozen. Purchase an annual class pass and receive an extra month free! That's 13 months of unlimited yoga for the price of 12 - saving you over $64.

Note: Students with a current quarter or semi-annual pass may opt to upgrade to the Yoga Dozen by paying the difference between the annual pass and their own.

*$775 less a semi-annual = only $355 for 7 months of yoga!
*$775 less a quarterly = only $550 for 10 months!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Free Holiday Classes!

Tuesday, December 26th

9-10:30 am Holiday Vinyasa
10:45 am-12:15 pm Gentle/Restorative

Beaker will be offering these classes as a gift to the balanced YOGA community. All are welcome to attend. There is no fee for the class, but participants who would like to are invited to make a charitable donation. All donations will be split between Physicians Without Borders, a Nobel prize winning charity that brings medical care to impoverished areas worldwide, and the Sri Karunamayi free hospital, which provides medical care and outreach in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh in India. We hope to see you there!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 04, 2006

New Online Store!

balanced YOGA is in the midst of conquering a new frontier. As of this past weekend, you will now be able to access our online store to purchase passes and gift certificates, enroll in workshops and check the status of your 10 or 20 class pass - all from the comfort of your personal computer! You'll also notice that our "classes" page will direct you to a different site in order to view our schedule, and we will be able to maintain its accuracy (time and teacher) on a daily basis. To check our the store, please visit our website and click on the classes link. We wish you happy shopping!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

BY Movie Night

"Sunday Night at the Movies"

On January 28th @ 6:30 pm, Balanced Yoga will show a free screening of The Secret.

What Is The Secret

You are welcome to bring food, beverage and friends!

Holiday Gathering - 12/15

It's a party! Join Balanced Yoga staff, instructors and fellow students for an evening of holiday fun on Friday, December 15th! The party/potluck will begin at 7:30 pm after the 5:45 vinyasa class. So bring a friend and some food and help us ring in the holiday season.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Lots and lots of info!

Today is the last day to receive early registration rates on the Todd Norian weekend of Anusara Yoga coming up in December! Call 614-265-9642 now to register!

Upcoming Series Dates:
  1. January 15: 6-week Intro to Hatha series begins @ 7:30 pm ($75)
  2. January 16: 6-week Kids Yoga! series begins @ 4:30 pm (for ages 7-12; $60)
  3. January 19: 6-week Yoga for Teens series begins @ 4:30 pm ($60)
  4. January 21: 10-week Intro to Ashtanga series begins @ 1:30 pm ($125)
  5. *January 24: 5-week Mindfulness Meditation series beings @ 7:30 ($75)
*In this short course, you will learn the core teachings and tenets of Buddhism, discover what "mindfulness" really is and be guided into the various domains of "vipassana" (mindfulness) practice. You will be provided with the knowledge and tools to establish your own practice. Facilitator: Cheryl Rapose

All series require pre-registration.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ana Forrest is coming to Columbus!

Ana Forrest will make a stop at The Elizabeth Blackwell Center to teach 2 evening workshops on March 20 & 21, 2007. balancedYOGA is thrilled by the opportunity to host Ana, who is "recognized worldwide as a pioneer in yoga and emotional therapy."

Workshop Details:

Tuesday, March 20th: 6-9 pm "Journey to the Core"

Forrest Yoga takes you on a physical and mental journey deep into the core of your own being. You will create a heightened sense of awareness through breath and asanas, and open to the amazing quality of feeling that lives inside you. Use Forrest Yoga to connect to your core, shed what is no longer useful, keep what is of value and "with a breath of kindness blow the rest away." Come sweat, breathe deeply and enter the incredible mystery of your core. You will feel cleansed, refreshed and alive.

Wednesday, March 21st: 6-9 pm "Changing Your Relationship With Fear"

Note: For intermediate and advanced students
Fear does not have to be something that paralyzes you. In this workshop, you'll use breath and asana to access, comfort and support the parts of your body that are constricted by fear. This new approach to our fearful places brings about change immediately. When you treat your fearful parts with attention and compassion, you allow the "wonderful" back into your life.

Cost: $65 for one night, $115 for both
Call 614-265-9642 to register.

For more info on Ana and Forrest Yoga, click here.

class announcement

The Kids Yoga! series has been postponed until after the first of the year. Watch for details regarding the new start date on the website and blog.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Frank Jude - TONIGHT!

Frank Jude Boccio and the "Body of Peace" are here! balancedYOGA invites you on a weekend exploration of the 3 principles of alignment, relaxation and resiliency, which are vital to meditation, yoga-asana and living freely. Frank will integrate the Buddha's teachings on mindfulness with the postures and movements of Hatha yoga in order to show how these 3 principles create the stability and ease that allow for deep, intimate integrations of body, mind and spirit. Space is still available for tonight's experiential talk and discussion, as well as for the Saturday and Sunday sessions. Call 614.265.9642 to register or feel free to walk-in. Time, cost and location information can be found on our website. Hope to see you there!

And don't forget about the Kids Yoga! series beginning next Tuesday!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Kids Yoga!

Balanced Yoga is pleased to welcome a new class starting November 14, 2006!

Kids Yoga! will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 4:15 to 5. This 6-week session for kids ages 7-12 will be a fun, creative approach to the practice of yoga using animated postures, simple beathing techniques and interactice games. In addition to the physical benefits - such as increased strength, flexibility and balance - kids will learn ways to focus, relax and develop self-control using breathing and visualization. Parents are welcome, but not required to attend. Cost: $60 per child. Must pre-register! (Call 614-265-9642)

Instructor: Anne Comarda

Click here for an article on Kids Yoga from Yoga Journal.


ICE - In Case of Emergency

The "Ice Idea" is catching on. An ambulance paramedic by the name of Bob Brotchie came up with the idea to program the phone number of your next-of-kin into your cell phone under the name of ICE. This would allow paramedics to quickly contact someone in the case of an emergency, without having to search through wallets and/or guess at important contacts in cell phone lists. To read an in-depth article on this "multi-media phenomenon," click here.


Tom Griffith oversees a 6:30-9 am Mysore class every Monday! Students can come at any time during class to practice independently. Hands-on adjustments will be given and/or assistance for special needs or requests. Think of the session as your chance to improvise and explore; you do not necessarily need to practice Ashtanga-based yoga. This is the style of practice common in Mysore, India. Come check it out! No need to pre-register.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

this week in the studio...

Yoga to Live Drumming is this Friday at 5:45!
Come experience a vinyasa practice to the inspiring and energizing sounds of drumming. Potluck to follow. All are welcome - bring a dish and a friend and prepare to have a good time!

The next Intro to Hatha series begins this coming Monday (Oct. 30th) at 7:30 pm. Call 614-265-9642 to register.

Monday, October 23, 2006

chance to earn free yoga classes!

Spend one evening per week working at Balanced Yoga's front desk and you'll earn free classes!

The following shifts are now open:
Monday night 5-9pm
Friday night 5-9 pm
Saturday morning 8am-12pm

You will earn 1 class for each hour you work. Classes accrue over time and do not expire. This is an excellent opportunity to meet people and save money on something you love! No experience required. Training and orientation provided. Please write or call 265-9642 for details.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Weekend Possibilities:

1. Check out the 100th anniversary of The Circleville Pumpkin Show
2. The Columbus Zoo's Boo at the Zoo and Pumpkin Smash
3. See the Cypress String Quartet perform in concert with Chamber Music Columbus
4. Take a class at balancedYOGA

Todd Norian's Workshop Class Descriptions

Todd arrives in Columbus on December 8, 2006. This is a list of descriptions for the classes he will be offering during his workshop. You can choose to attend the whole weekend, or purchase classes ala carte. Prices are listed on the website.

Friday, December 8: 2-5 pm

Eye of the Tiger Practice
A wild and fun practice for teachers and experienced students. Play the edge while developing strength, flexibility and joy. You will be skillfully guided step-by-step into more advanced asanas in order to awaken the heart and remember your connection to source. (Prereqs: ability to perform handstand and forearm balanced at the wall or on your own, and upward bow with straight elbows)

Friday, December 8: 7-9 pm
Opening to Grace
In this spiritually uplifting session, you'll explore the elegant Anusara system of yoga and practice a variety of fun asanas. The session will end with a delicious deep relaxation.

Saturday, December 9: 9am-12pm
Backbend Into Bliss
Learn the biomechanicsand gradual, step-by-step sequencing that makes backbending a joyful celebration of heart. Using the Universal Principles of Anusara Yoga, you will practice a dynamic flow of postures. Have fun while working at your own pace.

Saturday, December 9: 2-5 pm
Transformational Twists, Hip Openers & Forward Bends
Align and purify your spine through powerful twisting poses. Then, draw your awareness inward through forward bends in preparation for ecstatic tantra-based meditation and savasana.

Sunday, December 10: 9am-12pm
The Art of Flying: Handstand & Arm Balances
Learn to fly by finding the optimal relationship between the balance of effort and grace. Learn how to take yourself lightly through the powerful channeling of prana. Experience necessary.

Sunday, December 10: 2-5 pm
Anusara Yoga Therapeutics
Explore the therapeutic power of Anusara Yoga to support the body's natural healing process. (All levels welcome, especially teachers.) Through applying the Universal Principles of Alignment, you will learn how to relieve pain and avoid common injuries. Learn how to transform pain and limitation into an experience of greater freedom and joy.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Thanks to everyone who attended the Tripsichore workshop and performance last Tuesday! Edward and the troupe really enjoyed their visit to Columbus and are excited to return next May.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Just to remind everyone - the 9 am vinyasa class, as well as all evening classes at Balanced Yoga are cancelled tomorrow due to the Tripsichore workshop & performance!

The performance is at 8 pm at the Columbus Dance Theatre (592 E. Main St. Columbus, OH 43215) For a map detailing the theatre's location, click here. Doors will open at 7:15 pm. Tickets are still available and can be purchased at the theatre or by calling 614-265-9642. Seating is first come, first serve. Hope to see you there!

There are still places available in the workshop from 9 am to 3 pm.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Classes Cancelled Oct. 10

Due to the Tripsichore workshop and performance, all classes (except the 6:30 am vinyasa) have been cancelled on Tuesday, October 10th. It's not too late to register for these events! Take advantage of this opportunity to find a new perspecitve on your practice and see how the term "yoga" can be applied to much more than just movement on a mat. Mention this entry when you call to register and receive $5 off the cost of the performance or 15% off the workshop!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tripsichore Buzz

Only 8 days until Tripsichore comes to Columbus!!

If you haven't heard about the troupe yet, you can check out a video clip of their performance at John Hancock Hall in Boston by clicking here. Erica Rodefer, an attendee of this performance left these remarks about her experience:

"One theme during the performance made a big impression on me: If we could only get past the stiff, robotic way of thinking about asana and extend yogic principles into our lives off and on the mat, anyone is capable of having a beautiful and inspiring practice. Whether you practice yoga on a stage for hundreds or alone on your living room floor, every practitioner has the potential to do his or her part to inspire, uplift and make the world a better and more harmonious place. I went to the performance expecting to be amazed, entertained and inspired - and I wasn't disappointed. But I also came away with a refreshed perspective on my yoga practice. I am so thankful for that."

This is going to be an amazing event! We invite and encourage everyone - dancers, yogis, actors, accountants, teachers, anyone who wants to be inspired - to attend this performance.

Tripsichore arrives October 10th. Edward Clark, the founder of the troupe, will facilitate a workshop at Balanced Yoga that promises to take your asana practice to a whole new level. The workshop is from 9 to 3 and open to students of all levels. The troupe will perform at the Columbus Dance Theatre later that night from 8 to 9:30. Call 614.265.9642 to register today!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Khitti Yoga?

Looking to the weekend...

Don't forget that the Music and Movement as Good Medicine workshop is tomorrow night from 7 to 9:30 pm! Mention this blog entry and get $5 off the workshop cost of $30. Be ready to discover a whole other world of sound!

Also, this Sunday (from 1 to 3 pm) is Julia McSheffery's mini-workshop focusing on body awareness. Participants will learn to modify the flow of asana to fit their individual body, as well as develop the mind-body connection. Cost: $30

Call the studio at 614.265.9642 to register!


Tom Griffith is now offering massage services at Balanced Yoga! Tom's studies at Ohio State were focused on Buddhist art and iconography, which led him to explore the healing arts and movement forms such as yoga and Tai Chi. He offers an approachable, knowledgeable experience to those seeking massage or yoga for healing and recovery, as preventative healthcare, or as an enhancement to their physical and mental performance.

Cost: 1 hour massage = $65 (4 pack = $200)
1.5 hour massage = $85 (4 pack = $275)

To schedule: Call Tom at 614.507.5836 or write to him at

Friday, September 22, 2006


The Mysore class is set to begin October 2nd! It will be held from 6:30-9:30 am every Monday as a regular on-going class. No need to pre-register or buy a separate pass. Come check it out!

*The Mysore style is a supervised self-practice. Ashtanga is generally taught in this manner. Each student moves through their practice at his or her own pace and experience level.

The New Face of Pilates at BY

Balanced Yoga is delighted to have a new face at the studio teaching Pilates. Robin Anderson will teach a mixed level Pilates class on the following days:

Wednesday at 7:30 pm
Friday at 11:00 am
Saturday at 10:00 am (*starting Oct. 7th)

Robin's knowledge of the Pilates practice is informed by her varied background in dance and arts administration. Recently, she completed her MFA in The Ohio State University's Department of Dance with a focus in performance and audience development. She also held a Graduate Administrative Assistanship in the Wexner Center's Performing Arts Department. She was first exposed to Pilates in Portland, OR, where she lived for 9 years working as a performer, choreographer, dance instructor and arts administrator. From the beginning of her Pilates practice, it was clear to her how it complemented her dancing. In turn, Pilates - along with other somatic practices such as Alexander Technique, Bartenieff Fundamentals and yoga - has continued to inform her dancing. She has been a regular student at Alpha State in Columbus since her arrival in 2003 and recently completed their certification course through the Pilates Method Alliance.

With a strong focus on breath, Pilates cultivates a practice around building deep core strength. Progressing from fundamental principles that allow students to focus on specific muscular engagement, this class will proceed to the beginner/intermediate mat sequence of exercises. Overall principles of body alignment and flexibility will be highlighted. Practicing Pilates is a great way to decrease lower back pain, build a strong posture and increase hamstring and innter thigh engagement. It is also a great complement to any yoga practice.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Donna's 9:30 Vinyasa and 11:30 Yin classes are cancelled tomorrow (9/16) due to the Dianne Kadonaga Anatomy workshop! Tom's 8:30 basic and Beaker's 11:30 hatha classes will still meet.

On Monday, be sure to swing by the studio and see our new clothing line!

beacons of light

A little information on lighthouses to illuminate your weekend...

Every lighthouse has a unique light. The lights may be different colors and sizes, flash for a different amounts of time, or remain solid. The light pattern is called the characteristic.

The lights are placed on something that looks like a rotating table; as the light spins to the back of the lighthouse, it gives the appearance of having gone out, or of shutting off. When it circles back around to the front, ships at sea see the "flash" once again. The speed of the flash can be changed by increasing or decreasing the speed of the table's rotation.

As you can see above, lighthouse lights, or lenses, come in a wide variety of sizes. One of the most powerful lenses is the Fresnel lens, invented in 1822 by Augustine Fresnel of France. Looking like a glass beehive, this lens operates by reflecting light from a source (like a candle), focusing it to one spot, and sending out the beam. There are 7 levels, or orders, of Fresnel lenses. The closer the light source, the further the light shines. A beam from an order 1 lens can be seen more than 20 miles away.

Fresnel's design of using concentric glass rings to focus light is still used today in traffic signals, car headlights and projectors. The state with the most lighthouses is Michigan at 130. For some more quick and interesting facts on lighthouses, visit The US Lighthouse Society page.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

new class!

Balanced Yoga is pleased to add a new Pilates class to the schedule!
Robin Anderson will begin teaching a basic Pilates class on Fridays from 11 am - 12 starting tomorrow. This class will be covered by class passes and monthly EFTs. Feel free to drop in and check it out!

If you haven't already registered for next weekend's Experiential Anatomy of the Spine workshop with Dianne Kadonaga, now's the time! Space is still available, but filling up fast! Check our website for details.

Bar of Modern Art

Columbus locals and restaurant-goers are buzzing over the soon-to-be newest addition to the downtown cuisine landscape. The Bar of Modern Art, a church-turned-restaurant located on East Broad Street, will contain an art gallery, nightclub and exhibition space in addition to offering tantalizing dishes such as lobster-mango bruschetta and pumpkin seed crusted Mahi Mahi. Alex Rodriguez, the Executive Chef, says he wants his cuisine "to compliment the unique atmosphere and diverse dining crowd" expected at BoMA. Basing the menu on the "whole concept of art," Rodriguez is going to incorporate flavors from his trips abroad into his goal of recreating artistic scenes in the food he offers. "Presentation is going to be huge, very visual - something that pops in your mouth," he says. BoMA is scheduled to open in the next few months!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Labor Day!

The next Intro to Hatha series begins Monday, September 18th.
The next Intro to Ashtanga series begins Sunday, September 24th.

The Yoga and Your Plus-Sized Body workshop on October 1st is from 1-3 pm!

Balanced Yoga will be closed for Labor Day.

Weekend Entertainment Ideas:

1. OSU vs. Northern Illinois; 3:30 kick-off
2. Gallery Hop in the Short North
3. Riverfest in Cincinnati, OH - The city says goodbye to summer with an impressive fireworks display on the banks of the Ohio River.
4. 34th annual Columbus Greek Festival

Friday, August 25, 2006

yogi fashion

(from left to right: Alex Ferm, Laruga Glaser, Amanda Yee, Kyrsten Randles, Pati Young)

Last Friday night, 5 of our yogis participated in the 2006 Short North Salon Showcase: Summer Hair and Fashion Show at Skulley's. It was quite the event! 5 salons were featured, including Max the Salon, Q Salon, Salon Lofts, Waldo's on High and HairColorXperts. The proceeds from this evening of high style and fabulous hair benefited CD101 for the Kids.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Free Kundalini Yoga Chant!

Sadhana in celebration of Yogi Bhajan's Birthday
Saturday, August 26 from 5:30am to 9am

Join your fellow yogis for a very special celebration commemorating Yogi Bhajan's blessed birthday. Lift your spirits and start your day with sadhana, when we will chant long Ek Ong Kars for 2.5 hours. Yogi Bhajan always said that if we do this chant/prayer on his birthday, all of our prayers and dreams will manifes! It is a very transformative experience.

5:30 - Door open
5:40 - Tuning/warmups
6:00 - Guru Ram Das, worldwide chant for peace
6:20 - 8:50 - Ek Ong Kars

Bring water and something comfortable to sit on (zafu or pillow). Wear comfortable clothing. If you have questions, please contact Donna Francis at 314-973-0563 or

"Whatever you are, you are. Be proud of it." -YB

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Namaste Ya'll

So, no doubt you've heard the term "Namaste" spoken by teachers and students at the end of a class. And perhaps you've noticed that certain movements seem to go along with it...closing the eyes with hands in prayer, a bowing of the head or body, a general demeanor of respect and acceptance. But what does "Namaste" mean? Literally translated, it means "I bow to you." It is accepted as a humble greeting straight from the heart. The gesture is representative of the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us. To learn more, click here.

New to yoga and not sure where to start? Confused as to why all those postures you hear about have animal names? Want to do something good for your body, mind and spirit? We have a 6-week Intro to Hatha Yoga session beginning Monday, August 21. This class will introduce students to basic postures and alignment, as well as various breathing techniques used in yoga. Participants will learn associated anatomical movements and grow to understand their own bodies, including its strengths, weaknesses and limitations. Students will gain the knowledge and confidence necessary for participating in a variety of yoga styles. This class meets every Monday night at 7:30. Cost for the 6-week session is $75. Call 614.265.9642 to begin your own yoga journey.

FYI: Donna's 9:30 Vinyasa and 11:30 Pranayama/Yin classes are cancelled on Sept. 16 due to the Dianne Kadonaga anatomy workshop!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

general info

We're having a clothing sale!
All pants, skirts and tanks are now 20% off!

* The Moving Within workshop with Michelle Stobart scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled.

Wanting to heat up your yoga practice? There's another Teacher Training information night this Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Be sure to check it out!

September Events:
Dianne Kadonaga's Experiential Anatomy of the Spine: Sept. 16-17
Music & Movement as Good Medicine: Sept. 29

Many thanks to Duncan and Zdenka for all of the beautiful flowers they have brought to the studio this summer!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Yoga Night Out!

Click here to see pictures from Marylaura's going away party at Spagio's! Apparently, things can get pretty crazy when a bunch of yogis go out for drinks and dancing on a Thursday night...

It's hard to believe August is here already, ushering in the official "dog days of summer." (Curious about where that term originated? Click here.) Nothing beats these warm evenings when the sun appears to want to hang in the sky forever, coloring the western horizon in brilliant shades of purple, orange, and red. Take off your shoes and take a stroll through the grass. Make a conscious effort to remember the way the blades feel against your bare soles. Notice the scent and hues of the moment, of summer. Then, when Columbus is bundled up in the midst of a February freeze, you'll be able to recall a slight bit of summer, of the freedom of endless heated days, and hopefully take an edge off the cold.

Friday, August 04, 2006

New faces, New places

All aboard!

It's time for two more familiar faces to embark on new places. Later this month, Marylaura, a Balanced Yoga instructor, will be moving to France and Nicky, our Tuesday night front desk volunteer, will be leaving for Singapore. We wish you both the best of luck in your transatlantic endeavors! You will be missed.

It's not too late to register for Michelle Stobart's Moving Within workshop coming up Aufust 19th! For more information, please visit our website or look at the "Workshops!" post from July 10th. Call 614-265-9642 to register.

Starting in September, we will be adding a new Mysore class on Monday and Wednesday mornings. The Kundalini yoga class at 7:30 pm Mondays will become a core yoga class. Karen Milligan will take over Marylaura's Friday 9 am Vinyasa class and Wednesday evening Pilates will become a regular, on-going session taught by Robin Anderson.

It's time for more weekend entertainment ideas!

Monday, July 31, 2006

We've been getting some great feedback from those who attended the Capoeira Angola workshop and this weekend's events with Sat Kartar! A Capoeira participant wrote: "The neat thing about attending the workshop was that going into it I didn't have any expectations of what was going to take place, but afterwards found it to be quite interesting. The instructor was very passionate about his practice and knowledgeable. He gave what I thought to be a great introduction to the roots of the dance and was very interested in keeping the storied tradtions. Overall it was a great time and certainly unique." And, writing from my own experience of the Sat Kartar concert, I found the event to be very enlivening. Mike Cohen and his Kirtan group performed extremely well and did a great job of warming up the crowd's chant vocals. Sat Kartar's music was enchanting. Her voice, ability to improvise, and stage presence were strong and inviting. The evening was definitely a success, providing a nice blend of music, meditation, and movement.

Thanks to all who attended! Photos of this weekend to be posted soon!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Here's to the yogi in all of us!

Schedule Update

  1. Tuesday night's Ashtanga Modified class is now going to focus on the Second Series of the system. Whereas the first series focuses on forward bends, the second series incorporates postures that put the focus on backbends. Just like before the change, students new to Ashtanga and those with more experience are encouraged to attend. The practice will include many but not all of the postures in the series. Modifications will be given and students will have the chance to work into more difficult postures while building strength and endurance.
  2. Anne Downing will no longer be teaching her 8:30 Sunday morning Hatha class. But don't despair, the class will continue! Mike French has enthusiastically agreed to take over the helm.

Have any stories from your summer travels you'd like to share? How about a moment when you realized yoga was changing your outlook on life or the way you moved through the day? We'd love to hear from you. Please send your adventures, jokes, and realizations to

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Sat Kartar Weekend Offers

Click here for special offers on Balanced Yoga's Sat Kartar weekend.

Print off a coupon, bring it to the studio, and save some money when you come to enjoy these unique events!

Sat Kartar Concert
July 29, 2006: 6:30 pm

(Mike Cohen, a local Kirtan artist, will open the concert.)

Yoga of Sound Workshop
July 30, 2006: 10am - 1pm

For more information on these activities or to purchase tickets online, please visit

Friday, July 21, 2006


The birds of paradise and other tropical flowers Donna added to the front desk and back studio sure do brighten things up! For those of you in Columbus this summer, they will certainly bring a welcome vibe of exoticism and adventure.

As usual, it has been a busy week at the studio. The new Kundalini class began Monday, Rhonda Austin started her evening Pilates series on Wednesday night, and the first teacher training information session was held. Thanks for everyone who came out to these events, or attended one of our regular classes. I know Donna and the rest of us here feel continually blessed for having such supportive, good-natured and highly energetic yogis! You all make Balanced Yoga into the special place it is, a place where we can come comfortably together and create a moment of joy, of light heartedness and peace in an otherwise busy, chaotic world.

Here's some weekend events around town you might want to check out:

1. BY's Capoiera Angola workshop! Saturday at 3 pm.

2. Picnic with the Pops, featuring Kenny Loggins. A fun evening of food, friends, and music on the lawns of Chemical Abstract.
3. The 27th Annual Jazz & Rib Fest at Bicentennial Park and Genoa Park in the Downtown Riverfront. Free!
4. More interested in cheering on our local sports teams? The Crew is playing Los Angeles at 4 pm on Saturday and the Clippers are squaring off against Pawtucket each day this weekend.

Coming up at BY: a fall schedule with more hatha and ashtanga classes, as well as a new mysore morning class!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mats, bags, and blocks, oh my!

We recently received a shipment of Modern Union bags, perfect for lugging around your mat, water, clothes, and other yoga accessories in style! We also got more Hugger Mugger super blocks and Tapas mats in a variety of colors: green for love and compassion, blue to represent communication and self-expression, purple for psychic and perception, and red for grounding and abundunce. We're also working on getting our own line of tanks and tees for the studio!

Reminders: The first of the teacher training information sessions is tomorrow night at 7:30. Also, the second 6-week Pilates series (led by Rhonda Austin) starts tomorrow night at 7:30.

Tips to beat the heat:

1. Try scooping up some of
Jeni's seasonal ice creams...sweet basil with honey and pinenuts, her spicy fresh ginger, or the always amazing salty caramel! It's a sweet treat!
2. Take a dive into your local community pool or pack up the car for a picnic at Buckeye Lake.
3. Eat light. Fruits, salads, and soups are best due to their high water content.
4. Dress in light-weight, light-colored, loose fitting clothing.
5. Take yoga!

Monday, July 17, 2006


The Yoga of Sound workshop with Sat Kartar on July 30th is from 10am to 1 pm, not 3 pm as the earlier e-mail stated. Register today by calling 614-265-9642 or go to to purchase tickets online!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cancellation Notice

The Music and Movement as Good Medicine workshop tomorrow night has been cancelled! We apologize for any inconvenience. It is rescheduled to occur Friday, September 29th.

Monday, July 10, 2006


Moving Within: A day long yoga immersion course with Michelle Stobart. This workshop will provide methods for establishing, examining, and transforming a daily practice. It aims to guide and control the fluctuation of thoughts (chitta vritti) into a greater awareness of your inner wisdom and a greater understanding of oneness (yoga).

When: August 19th
Time: 9 am to 5 pm
Cost: $100

Yoga and Your Plus-sized Body: Compassion and Empowerment
While it's true that yoga can lead to weight loss, this workshop will focus on modifying the flow of yoga asana to fit the individual participant, as well as developing the mind-body connection. Instructor Julia McSheffery will help participants learn to listen to their body's needs wile moving gently through a meditative flow of poses. Additionally, participants will learn to connect with the breath, using techniques and asana for stress relief, to build energy, and deepen self-discovery.

When: October 1
Time: 1-3 pm
Cost: $30

Please call 614.265.9642 to register.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thanks to Mike Cohen and everyone who made the Yoga to Live Drumming class and potluck this month a success!

The 6-week Intro to Hatha Yoga series starts this Monday, July 10
th at 7:30 pm. This class will introduce students to basic postures and alignment as well as various breathing exercises used in yoga. Students will learn will gain a better understanding of their own bodies, including strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. This class is aimed at giving students the basic knowledge and confidence they need to participate in a variety of yoga styles. Cost: $75.

FYI: Due to the Sat Kartar concert on Saturday, there will be no Yoga to Live Drumming class on July 28th. However, Alex's regularly scheduled Friday Vinyasa class will still take place.

Weekend entertainment ideas:
Shakespeare in the Park
3 actors are performing The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged!) Friday-Sunday at 8pm in Schiller Park. Admission is free, but donations are encouraged. I attended the show last weekend and had a great time. The performance is witty and packs plenty of laughs. (Read a review) I would suggest bringing a citronella candle, blanket, and some fresh foods to make the evening even more enjoyable.

North Market Food and Ohio Wine Festival
Held Friday-Sunday, this event is sure to tickle everyone's tastebuds! For more information, click here.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Yankee Doodle

Happy Independence Day! If you're looking for fireworks, parades, and other 4th of July activities, check out the Dispatch for a schedule of local events.

(Balanced Yoga will be closed for the holiday.)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Spice It Up!

Rhonda Austin will begin teaching a Kundalini yoga class on Mondays from 7:30 to 9 pm starting July 17th. This sytle of yoga "focuses on the controlled release of the Kundalini (serpent power) energy which is found at the base of your spine. The practice involves classic poses, chanting, coordination of breath and movement, and meditation. The emphasis however, is not on the yoga poses, but on the chanting and breathing, which rewards yogis with spiritual transformation and unity consciousness" (info from ABCs of Yoga).

Our studio believes in balance. We like to offer many styles and off-shoots of yoga (everything from Ashtanga and Pilates to meditation and philosophy) in order to give students the chance to balance their practice, to keep their journey fresh and spirited. As they say, "Variety is the spice of life." So go ahead, try something new!

July 5th: Pilates Mat Intensive 6-week course begins. 12-1 pm
July 14th: Music and Movement as Good Medicine Workshop. 7-9:30 pm
July 19th: Evening Pilates Mat Intensive course begins. 7:30-8:30 pm
July 22nd: Capoeira Angola Workshop & Brazilian inspired potluck. 3-5 pm
July 29th: Concert with Sat Kartar; Kirtan with Mike Cohen. 6:30 pm
July 30th: Yoga of Sound Workshop. 10-3 pm

Friday, June 23, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Busy Bees

The studio is heating up with activity right now.

The teacher training program is set to begin in September. It will be a 200 hour, year-long program based in the Hatha Yoga tradition. Students will be exposed to other styles including Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinyasa Flow, as well as the meditation, philosophy, and anatomy aspects of a practice. Sessions will be held the first weekend of each month, Friday night through Sunday. The cost is $2775, which includes 2 anatomy workshops with Dianne Kadanaga and a weekend- long workshop with Todd Norian in December. Donna will host 2 general information sessions with those students interested in pursuing the program. The first will be July 19th at 7:30 pm and the second will be held August 16th at 7:30 pm. (You only need to attend one!) More details should be available on our website soon, but please feel free to call or write with any questions!

Another workshop is set for Saturday, July 22nd! Ed Luna will lead a spirited workshop on Capoeira, Angola, a dramatic dance-art-movement tradition from Brazil. You can learn more about Ed and the philosophy/history of Capoeira at TabcatColumbus. The session will be from 3 to 5 pm. Cost is $35. And be sure to join us for a Brazilian-flavored potluck afterwards!

Don't forgt, Lunch Time Yoga starts tomorrow at noon! It's sure to provide the relaxing break you desire in the middle of your day. See you there!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Pilates is Here!

Rhonda Austin will begin teaching two Pilates Mat Intensive classes at the studio next month. The first will be held every Wednesday from noon to 1 starting July 5th. The second will be held every Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30pm starting July 19th. Rhonda was certified in The Pilates Method through the Physical Mind Institute in 1999 in New York. She has taught dance and pilates at a variety of places, including: Richland Academnt, OSU-Mansfield, Ballet Met, and The Elizabeth Blackwell Center. Visit her website for more information about her teaching and the Pilates Method.

The Mat Intensive class is designed for those who are new to Pilates and also for those with some experience. Pilates fundamentals and beginner/intermediate mat exercises will be introduced. Emphasis will be placed on proper form, use of breath and whole body awareness. The cost is $65 per six-week session.

Please e-mail Rhonda at with any questions.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Upcoming workshops:

On July 29 and 30, Balanced Yoga is honored to host a Yoga of Sound Workshop led by world renowned Sat Kartar. She will perform a concert at the studio on the 29th at 7:30 pm. (Mike Cohen, a local Kirtan artist, will open for Sat Kartar at 6:30.) Her music offerings synthesize Eastern and Western influences, but are centered in her life study and practice of Sikh Kirtan, Kundalini, and Naad Yoga. Her unique vocal style ranges from the ethereal mystic space created in her Indian classical raga recordings, to groove-driven, gutsy interpretations of chants, hymns, and stories. The following day, Sat Kartar will lead us in an exploration of Naad Yoga, an ancient study of the sound current that vibrates within us from 10 am to 1 pm. The focus of the course will be to understand the science of chant and the syllabic sounds that create language. This is an amazing event and we are so excited to have her here! Please call for pricing.

Join us for
Music and Movement as Good Medicine Friday, July 14 from 7 to 9:30 pm. This exciting and evocative experiential workshop will invite us on a journey --- a journey into our body with the breath, centering movement and sound. From this ground, we’ll open our hearts to the prayerful and ecstatic practice of kirtan, touching the Divine. Facilitators include Cheryl Rapose, Mike Cohen, and Judy Fasone. Cost: $30.

Other upcoming workshop facilitators include Michelle Stobart, Dianne Kadonaga, Tripsichore, and Todd Norian. Check back for details!

Tyler is leaving for Mali to spend 2 years of service in the Peace Corp. We'll miss seeing his friendly face in classes and at the front desk on Thursday nights! But we're excited to welcome Meghan to the studio. She'll be taking over Tyler's shift; so be sure to say hello!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Got Yoga?

Have mountain, will climb.

Spend Friday nights from 5 to 7:30 working the front desk and you'll receive 2 free classes a week! If interested, see Michelle or Donna for details.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Theatrical Yoga

Summer is just around the corner. The sidewalks are bristling with heat, the public pools are bursting with kids, and our yogis are practicing with enthusiasm. The atmosphere in the studio is warm and inviting with plenty of plants, sunlight, and spirals adding to the natural energy of the classes.

In between your summer travels and visits to the local ice creamery, be sure to check out our schedule. Donna is busy as always setting up some exciting workshops for the summer and we have a couple of new classes starting up: Lunch Time Yoga from 12 to 1 on Friday afternoons (begins 6/23) and Ashtanga Modified Primary from 7:30 to 9 on Tuesday evenings (began 5/23).

If you're looking for a neat dive into the powerfully beautiful world of yoga theatre, be sure to check out Tripsichore.