Friday, July 28, 2006

Schedule Update

  1. Tuesday night's Ashtanga Modified class is now going to focus on the Second Series of the system. Whereas the first series focuses on forward bends, the second series incorporates postures that put the focus on backbends. Just like before the change, students new to Ashtanga and those with more experience are encouraged to attend. The practice will include many but not all of the postures in the series. Modifications will be given and students will have the chance to work into more difficult postures while building strength and endurance.
  2. Anne Downing will no longer be teaching her 8:30 Sunday morning Hatha class. But don't despair, the class will continue! Mike French has enthusiastically agreed to take over the helm.

Have any stories from your summer travels you'd like to share? How about a moment when you realized yoga was changing your outlook on life or the way you moved through the day? We'd love to hear from you. Please send your adventures, jokes, and realizations to

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