Balanced Yoga is pleased to welcome a new class starting November 14, 2006!
Kids Yoga! will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 4:15 to 5. This 6-week session for kids ages 7-12 will be a fun, creative approach to the practice of yoga using animated postures, simple beathing techniques and interactice games. In addition to the physical benefits - such as increased strength, flexibility and balance - kids will learn ways to focus, relax and develop self-control using breathing and visualization. Parents are welcome, but not required to attend. Cost: $60 per child. Must pre-register! (Call 614-265-9642)
Instructor: Anne Comarda
Click here for an article on Kids Yoga from Yoga Journal.
Monday, October 30, 2006
ICE - In Case of Emergency
The "Ice Idea" is catching on. An ambulance paramedic by the name of Bob Brotchie came up with the idea to program the phone number of your next-of-kin into your cell phone under the name of ICE. This would allow paramedics to quickly contact someone in the case of an emergency, without having to search through wallets and/or guess at important contacts in cell phone lists. To read an in-depth article on this "multi-media phenomenon," click here.
The "Ice Idea" is catching on. An ambulance paramedic by the name of Bob Brotchie came up with the idea to program the phone number of your next-of-kin into your cell phone under the name of ICE. This would allow paramedics to quickly contact someone in the case of an emergency, without having to search through wallets and/or guess at important contacts in cell phone lists. To read an in-depth article on this "multi-media phenomenon," click here.
Tom Griffith oversees a 6:30-9 am Mysore class every Monday! Students can come at any time during class to practice independently. Hands-on adjustments will be given and/or assistance for special needs or requests. Think of the session as your chance to improvise and explore; you do not necessarily need to practice Ashtanga-based yoga. This is the style of practice common in Mysore, India. Come check it out! No need to pre-register.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
this week in the studio...

Yoga to Live Drumming is this Friday at 5:45! Come experience a vinyasa practice to the inspiring and energizing sounds of drumming. Potluck to follow. All are welcome - bring a dish and a friend and prepare to have a good time!
The next Intro to Hatha series begins this coming Monday (Oct. 30th) at 7:30 pm. Call 614-265-9642 to register.
Monday, October 23, 2006
chance to earn free yoga classes!
Spend one evening per week working at Balanced Yoga's front desk and you'll earn free classes!
The following shifts are now open:
Monday night 5-9pm
Friday night 5-9 pm
Saturday morning 8am-12pm
You will earn 1 class for each hour you work. Classes accrue over time and do not expire. This is an excellent opportunity to meet people and save money on something you love! No experience required. Training and orientation provided. Please write or call 265-9642 for details.
The following shifts are now open:
Monday night 5-9pm
Friday night 5-9 pm
Saturday morning 8am-12pm
You will earn 1 class for each hour you work. Classes accrue over time and do not expire. This is an excellent opportunity to meet people and save money on something you love! No experience required. Training and orientation provided. Please write or call 265-9642 for details.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Weekend Possibilities:
1. Check out the 100th anniversary of The Circleville Pumpkin Show
2. The Columbus Zoo's Boo at the Zoo and Pumpkin Smash
3. See the Cypress String Quartet perform in concert with Chamber Music Columbus
4. Take a class at balancedYOGA
1. Check out the 100th anniversary of The Circleville Pumpkin Show
2. The Columbus Zoo's Boo at the Zoo and Pumpkin Smash
3. See the Cypress String Quartet perform in concert with Chamber Music Columbus
4. Take a class at balancedYOGA
Todd Norian's Workshop Class Descriptions

Todd arrives in Columbus on December 8, 2006. This is a list of descriptions for the classes he will be offering during his workshop. You can choose to attend the whole weekend, or purchase classes ala carte. Prices are listed on the website.
Friday, December 8: 2-5 pm
Eye of the Tiger Practice
A wild and fun practice for teachers and experienced students. Play the edge while developing strength, flexibility and joy. You will be skillfully guided step-by-step into more advanced asanas in order to awaken the heart and remember your connection to source. (Prereqs: ability to perform handstand and forearm balanced at the wall or on your own, and upward bow with straight elbows)
Friday, December 8: 7-9 pm
Opening to Grace
In this spiritually uplifting session, you'll explore the elegant Anusara system of yoga and practice a variety of fun asanas. The session will end with a delicious deep relaxation.
Saturday, December 9: 9am-12pm
Backbend Into Bliss
Learn the biomechanicsand gradual, step-by-step sequencing that makes backbending a joyful celebration of heart. Using the Universal Principles of Anusara Yoga, you will practice a dynamic flow of postures. Have fun while working at your own pace.
Saturday, December 9: 2-5 pm
Transformational Twists, Hip Openers & Forward Bends
Align and purify your spine through powerful twisting poses. Then, draw your awareness inward through forward bends in preparation for ecstatic tantra-based meditation and savasana.
Sunday, December 10: 9am-12pm
The Art of Flying: Handstand & Arm Balances
Learn to fly by finding the optimal relationship between the balance of effort and grace. Learn how to take yourself lightly through the powerful channeling of prana. Experience necessary.
Sunday, December 10: 2-5 pm
Anusara Yoga Therapeutics
Explore the therapeutic power of Anusara Yoga to support the body's natural healing process. (All levels welcome, especially teachers.) Through applying the Universal Principles of Alignment, you will learn how to relieve pain and avoid common injuries. Learn how to transform pain and limitation into an experience of greater freedom and joy.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006

Just to remind everyone - the 9 am vinyasa class, as well as all evening classes at Balanced Yoga are cancelled tomorrow due to the Tripsichore workshop & performance!
The performance is at 8 pm at the Columbus Dance Theatre (592 E. Main St. Columbus, OH 43215) For a map detailing the theatre's location, click here. Doors will open at 7:15 pm. Tickets are still available and can be purchased at the theatre or by calling 614-265-9642. Seating is first come, first serve. Hope to see you there!
There are still places available in the workshop from 9 am to 3 pm.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Classes Cancelled Oct. 10
Due to the Tripsichore workshop and performance, all classes (except the 6:30 am vinyasa) have been cancelled on Tuesday, October 10th. It's not too late to register for these events! Take advantage of this opportunity to find a new perspecitve on your practice and see how the term "yoga" can be applied to much more than just movement on a mat. Mention this entry when you call to register and receive $5 off the cost of the performance or 15% off the workshop!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Tripsichore Buzz

Only 8 days until Tripsichore comes to Columbus!!
If you haven't heard about the troupe yet, you can check out a video clip of their performance at John Hancock Hall in Boston by clicking here. Erica Rodefer, an attendee of this performance left these remarks about her experience:
"One theme during the performance made a big impression on me: If we could only get past the stiff, robotic way of thinking about asana and extend yogic principles into our lives off and on the mat, anyone is capable of having a beautiful and inspiring practice. Whether you practice yoga on a stage for hundreds or alone on your living room floor, every practitioner has the potential to do his or her part to inspire, uplift and make the world a better and more harmonious place. I went to the performance expecting to be amazed, entertained and inspired - and I wasn't disappointed. But I also came away with a refreshed perspective on my yoga practice. I am so thankful for that."
This is going to be an amazing event! We invite and encourage everyone - dancers, yogis, actors, accountants, teachers, anyone who wants to be inspired - to attend this performance.
Tripsichore arrives October 10th. Edward Clark, the founder of the troupe, will facilitate a workshop at Balanced Yoga that promises to take your asana practice to a whole new level. The workshop is from 9 to 3 and open to students of all levels. The troupe will perform at the Columbus Dance Theatre later that night from 8 to 9:30. Call 614.265.9642 to register today!
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