As you may have noticed throughout this past year there have been many wonderful changes at Balanced Yoga. This has been a year of growth and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support of this studio. Our yoga community continues to inspire exciting progress and development at Balanced Yoga.
This year we have seen the beginning of our daily Mysore classes where the studio is open 5:30-8:30 am for a self directed practice. Additionally, our Ashtanga program has grown, we continue to add more classes, and now offer introductory immersion weekends to give our students the opportunity to cultivate this practice. Workshops and specialized teaching continue to be offered through our introduction of Teen Yoga and the Yoga for Kids & Parents, Raw Foods, and Spring Detox workshops, as well as being host to enlightening guests such as Ganesh Mohan, Todd Norian, and Anna Forrest. We are reaching the conclusion of our first yearlong teacher training program and have seen the launch of Balanced Yoga University™, the promising center for excellence in teacher training. We have also seen the addition of Deep Tissue Massage, offered by Tom Griffith and Thai Yoga Massage, offered by Elizabeth Miller. Watch for our re-designed therapy room to be completed soon! In our continuing effort to foster the development of rich and nurturing practices, Viniyoga classes are offered on Wednesday evenings, Hathalini on Saturday mornings, and coming this fall, ISHTA Flow, a yoga style also founded in Tantric philosophy. And in the midst of all of this, we have had the good fortune to welcome Kari Djuve and Elizabeth Miller to our staff of teachers. You may have noticed the wonderful artwork on display in the studio lobby and hallways – we can thank Kari for coordinating the artwork displays. This has given local artists the opportunity to show and sell their work. Be sure to contact Kari if you would like to be part of this exciting opportunity.
While I am truly happy and excited by the growth of Balanced Yoga and our community, none of this could have happened without key individuals that are committed to bringing you excellence in teaching and programs. Julia McSheffery is now full time at Balanced Yoga and directs the day-to-day operations – including the front desk and the entire behind the scene tasks that make this studio run. (Trust me, it would not run without her or our great front desk staff!) Not only this, she has been named the Director of the Hatha Yoga program – working to bring the best in programs and teaching to all of you. And of course, Julia brings her vast knowledge of yoga to you in her classes on a weekly basis. I am thankful for the day Julia walked into my class at McConnell Heart Health Center 6 years ago!
Tom Griffith has also joined Balanced Yoga full time and is our Director of Massage. If you have not had the opportunity to experience Tom’s healing hands you must put that on your list of “must-dos”. His knowledge of the body both in massage and yoga is immense – a treatment from him will leave you truly understanding the physical and mental therapeutic aspects of massage. Tom will continue to build our massage therapy program so we can offer you the benefit of yoga and massage together as a way to promote and maintain your health. Tom also facilitates the development of our Ashtanga Yoga program. He has been teaching our Mysore classes and continues to build the Ashtanga program here at Balanced Yoga. (link to short bio)
The timely and valuable help and experience Tom and Julia offer has freed me to begin building Balanced Yoga University™; which aspires to bring excellence in teacher training and enrichment programs to prospective teachers and students. We have revised our current curriculum to include a 300-hour training program that gives aspiring teachers an additional 100 hours of mentoring and practice that goes beyond the traditional 200-hour programs offered by most yoga schools. When teachers graduate from our 300-hour program, they will have had the valuable opportunity to have exercised and developed their teaching skills and knowledge, the solidification of our commitment to excellence in teaching. We are also putting the pieces of the full 500-hour program in place for enrollees in Balanced Yoga University™ in 2008. Julia and Tom will both be on the staff of the University bringing their experience and expertise to our training programs. In addition to Tom and Julia, Karen Milligan and Angela Nicolosi will staff the university rounding out a highly professional and knowledgeable staff.
As Balanced Yoga University™ continues to unroll this fall, keep an eye out for our workshops, which promise to encourage the development of our students’ practices, as well as those of the teachers in the program. We look forward to hosting Dominic Corigliano for an in-depth look at Ashtanga and a week of Mysore practice, Todd Norian returns to teach us the concepts of, Anusara Therapeutics, Dianne Kadonaga will draw us deeper into truly understanding and experiencing our physical anatomy and late this summer we have the wonderful opportunity to join performance artist Patric Cambra for an exploration of the connections between movement, emotion, and breath.
Once again I’d like to extend my appreciation for and thankfulness to all of the wonderful teachers at Balanced Yoga and to our awesome yoga community. I look forward to continuing to offer you an enlightening and nurturing forum for your yoga practice and personal growth. What a blessing we truly have with each other!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
May holds such promise!
My invitation to you this spring: set an intention for your yoga practice and daily living to cut out all the covert self-aggression that you engage in.
Think about what this means for you. Some possibilities: eating healthier, not pushing/efforting so much in practice, taking time to enjoy the outdoors, being okay with saying "No", scheduling in a little "you-time" everyday or break free from the schedule and try something new... the options are as endless as our individual proclivities.
This May check out our newer classes: Anusara-Inspired (Thursdays), Hathalini (Saturdays), Ashtanga Modified Second Series (Tuesdays), and Mysore (Monday-Fridays.) Time and instructor info can be found on our web site.
Our studio is open for Mysore practice 5:30am-9:30am. This open studio time is a wonderful opportunity for you to develop your personal practice without the distractions often found at home. Students of any tradition are welcome to come practice. A yoga teacher is always available to answer questions or provide adjustments and inspiration.
This May the studio is opening up its wall space! All artists are welcome to submit their work for inclusion in the Balanced Art Gallery. Know an artist...are you an artist?...hang your work in our lobby: a lively, supportive environment. Contact Kari for more details.
This month we'll be offering a new Introduction to Hatha Yoga, 6-week series. Call to voice your interest and get your name on the list.
May 12th we'll be offering a Restorative Yoga workshop for Mother's Day. It will be held on the Saturday before Mother's Day (so as not to conflict with family obligations.) The practice promises to nurture the nurturer with supported poses and balancing breathing techniques designed to ease away stress and tension. Appropriate for students of all skill levels. If you are a mom, have a mom, or know a great mom why not invite her to this refreshing, renewing workshop. Check out the web page for more details. Give her a gift certificate, or come together!
May 20th we'll be hosting an Orientation to Nonviolent Communication. Come find out what's involved and learn more about setting up a practice group. Led by Tracey and Andy of Compassionate Communication-Central Ohio. 7pm at BalancedYoga.
Still looking for a Mother's Day gift? Why not set her up with a gift certificate for a luxurious hour of massage with Tom, our resident massage therapist and yoga instructor... more details can be found on-line, where you can also schedule an appointment.
Coming Up:
June Talent Night and Potluck: Calling all singers, dancers, jugglers, unicyclists, and lion tamers! We know that among all of the Down Dogs and Warriors there are musicians and artists at heart. Come share your hidden talents with your fellow yogis at the BalancedYoga Talent Night. Mid-June, Friday, 7:30pm.
Raw Food Workshop with Matt Monarch.
Anatomy Workshop with Diane Kadonaga.
Restorative Yoga With Julia McSheffery.
Want to take your yoga classes for free? We're still looking for yoga students to trade their time for free classes. Work at our front desk and you'll receive a free yoga class for every hour you work!
Think about what this means for you. Some possibilities: eating healthier, not pushing/efforting so much in practice, taking time to enjoy the outdoors, being okay with saying "No", scheduling in a little "you-time" everyday or break free from the schedule and try something new... the options are as endless as our individual proclivities.
This May check out our newer classes: Anusara-Inspired (Thursdays), Hathalini (Saturdays), Ashtanga Modified Second Series (Tuesdays), and Mysore (Monday-Fridays.) Time and instructor info can be found on our web site.
Our studio is open for Mysore practice 5:30am-9:30am. This open studio time is a wonderful opportunity for you to develop your personal practice without the distractions often found at home. Students of any tradition are welcome to come practice. A yoga teacher is always available to answer questions or provide adjustments and inspiration.
This May the studio is opening up its wall space! All artists are welcome to submit their work for inclusion in the Balanced Art Gallery. Know an artist...are you an artist?...hang your work in our lobby: a lively, supportive environment. Contact Kari for more details.
This month we'll be offering a new Introduction to Hatha Yoga, 6-week series. Call to voice your interest and get your name on the list.
May 12th we'll be offering a Restorative Yoga workshop for Mother's Day. It will be held on the Saturday before Mother's Day (so as not to conflict with family obligations.) The practice promises to nurture the nurturer with supported poses and balancing breathing techniques designed to ease away stress and tension. Appropriate for students of all skill levels. If you are a mom, have a mom, or know a great mom why not invite her to this refreshing, renewing workshop. Check out the web page for more details. Give her a gift certificate, or come together!
May 20th we'll be hosting an Orientation to Nonviolent Communication. Come find out what's involved and learn more about setting up a practice group. Led by Tracey and Andy of Compassionate Communication-Central Ohio. 7pm at BalancedYoga.
Still looking for a Mother's Day gift? Why not set her up with a gift certificate for a luxurious hour of massage with Tom, our resident massage therapist and yoga instructor... more details can be found on-line, where you can also schedule an appointment.
Coming Up:
June Talent Night and Potluck: Calling all singers, dancers, jugglers, unicyclists, and lion tamers! We know that among all of the Down Dogs and Warriors there are musicians and artists at heart. Come share your hidden talents with your fellow yogis at the BalancedYoga Talent Night. Mid-June, Friday, 7:30pm.
Raw Food Workshop with Matt Monarch.
Anatomy Workshop with Diane Kadonaga.
Restorative Yoga With Julia McSheffery.
Want to take your yoga classes for free? We're still looking for yoga students to trade their time for free classes. Work at our front desk and you'll receive a free yoga class for every hour you work!
Monday, April 30, 2007
April, gone already?!
Spring has arrived...hopefully for good this time. Seeing the sunshine cast through the studio windows seems to emphasize how warm and inviting our space is.
This month has seen a whirl of activity at the studio:
- Tracy has left her role as Office Manager and I've slipped into it. Tracy, thanks for all your hard work, we'll miss you...until we see you next time for yoga class!
- The BalancedYoga teacher-training group met. It's wonderful to see the students put together and implement the skills they've been taught. If you're interested in joining the next teacher-training group check back for the time and date of the next orientation meeting later this coming month.
- We were blessed with guest teacher, Dr. Ganesh Mohan from Chennai, India, who joined us on his way to the Midwest Yoga Conference. The son of Sri T. Krishnamacharya's students, A.G. and Indra Mohan, Ganesh shared with us some of the wealth of knowledge he has in Ayurveda, allopathic medicine, Yoga Therapy, and the Yoga Sutras (all with an eye to the teachings of Krishnamacharya.) We're very thankful for the three days he spent with us; we all learned so much!
- Our monthly potluck was moved up a week to Saturday the 21st so that we could share our tradition with Ganesh while he was here. Thanks go out to Jay, who opened his house to us (and to Sabrina too!)
- I had the chance to lead a new Spring Detox workshop at BalancedYoga this past Saturday. Students took part in a practice of chanting, pranayama, kriyas, flowing asana, restorative asana, and yoga nidra. We also had the chance to discuss the types of toxins in our lives and how to reduce and deal with them. Detox methods were discussed in the light of yoga as therapy, the Yoga Sutras, ayurvedic medicine, and the kriyas.
-Our Teen Yoga series was launched again. This 6-week series goes through June 8th, meeting on Fridays, 4:30-5:30pm in our studio.
Spring is here and what better way to celebrate
its arrival than to Spread the Balance.
Pick up some of the BalancedYoga postcards
and give them to friends and neighbors...
...students new to the studio have the option of a free class
and/or a 45-minute massage for $25!
Spread the Balance, Spread the Bliss!
Spring has arrived...hopefully for good this time. Seeing the sunshine cast through the studio windows seems to emphasize how warm and inviting our space is.
This month has seen a whirl of activity at the studio:
- Tracy has left her role as Office Manager and I've slipped into it. Tracy, thanks for all your hard work, we'll miss you...until we see you next time for yoga class!
- The BalancedYoga teacher-training group met. It's wonderful to see the students put together and implement the skills they've been taught. If you're interested in joining the next teacher-training group check back for the time and date of the next orientation meeting later this coming month.
- We were blessed with guest teacher, Dr. Ganesh Mohan from Chennai, India, who joined us on his way to the Midwest Yoga Conference. The son of Sri T. Krishnamacharya's students, A.G. and Indra Mohan, Ganesh shared with us some of the wealth of knowledge he has in Ayurveda, allopathic medicine, Yoga Therapy, and the Yoga Sutras (all with an eye to the teachings of Krishnamacharya.) We're very thankful for the three days he spent with us; we all learned so much!
- Our monthly potluck was moved up a week to Saturday the 21st so that we could share our tradition with Ganesh while he was here. Thanks go out to Jay, who opened his house to us (and to Sabrina too!)
- I had the chance to lead a new Spring Detox workshop at BalancedYoga this past Saturday. Students took part in a practice of chanting, pranayama, kriyas, flowing asana, restorative asana, and yoga nidra. We also had the chance to discuss the types of toxins in our lives and how to reduce and deal with them. Detox methods were discussed in the light of yoga as therapy, the Yoga Sutras, ayurvedic medicine, and the kriyas.
-Our Teen Yoga series was launched again. This 6-week series goes through June 8th, meeting on Fridays, 4:30-5:30pm in our studio.
Spring is here and what better way to celebrate
its arrival than to Spread the Balance.
Pick up some of the BalancedYoga postcards
and give them to friends and neighbors...
...students new to the studio have the option of a free class
and/or a 45-minute massage for $25!
Spread the Balance, Spread the Bliss!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Last Week for Commit to Balance Contest!
What a gorgeous last few days! We deserve this so much after the blanket of snow and ice we were under. As beautiful as my pure white backyard was, it is so nice to walk barefoot through my lawn yesterday to get a closer look at the fuzzy little shoots of my pasque flowers pushing up through the soil. There are a lot of new things going on at the studio too- read on to see what we are up to.....
We have had a great response to the Commit to Balance Contest in the studio, and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to win the basket of $100 worth of yoga items. This basket is amazing- it has a new yoga mat, strap, and block from Hugger Mugger. It also has a Balanced Yoga T-Shirt, soy candle, cd, and mat spray.
You are probably wondering how you can sign up for this awesome basket. Well, all you have to do is come in and sign up for a monthly pass. We set up an auto debit for you so it comes right out of your account for the next 6 or more months. Then you are automatically entered. If you already have a pass with us, encourage your friends to sign up and you are BOTH entered!
We will draw the winning name on March 31st, so sign up prior to the close of business on that day.
In other news, there are many exciting new classes that have started or are starting soon. There is a new Mysore class at 5:30am on Mon-Fri, an Anusara Inspired class on Thursday evenings, and a new Monday night primary series class begining April 9th. We will also be offering a new HATHALINI class on Saturday mornings, starting April 14th (I hope to see some of you there!).
Check our website for class times and start dates, as well as information for upcoming workshops. We are all looking forward to the Ganesh Mohan Yoga and Ayurveda workshop coming up in April. If you want an introduction to ayurveda or to deepen your understanding of the science, you should read about this workshop on our site.
See you at the studio!
We have had a great response to the Commit to Balance Contest in the studio, and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to win the basket of $100 worth of yoga items. This basket is amazing- it has a new yoga mat, strap, and block from Hugger Mugger. It also has a Balanced Yoga T-Shirt, soy candle, cd, and mat spray.
You are probably wondering how you can sign up for this awesome basket. Well, all you have to do is come in and sign up for a monthly pass. We set up an auto debit for you so it comes right out of your account for the next 6 or more months. Then you are automatically entered. If you already have a pass with us, encourage your friends to sign up and you are BOTH entered!
We will draw the winning name on March 31st, so sign up prior to the close of business on that day.
In other news, there are many exciting new classes that have started or are starting soon. There is a new Mysore class at 5:30am on Mon-Fri, an Anusara Inspired class on Thursday evenings, and a new Monday night primary series class begining April 9th. We will also be offering a new HATHALINI class on Saturday mornings, starting April 14th (I hope to see some of you there!).
Check our website for class times and start dates, as well as information for upcoming workshops. We are all looking forward to the Ganesh Mohan Yoga and Ayurveda workshop coming up in April. If you want an introduction to ayurveda or to deepen your understanding of the science, you should read about this workshop on our site.
See you at the studio!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Classes Cancelled Today!
We are sorry to announce that all classes will be cancelled today (Tuesday Feb 13th) due to the weather.
Check the class listings at for cancellations and the most current class schedule.
Stay safe, everyone!
Check the class listings at for cancellations and the most current class schedule.
Stay safe, everyone!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Inner Engineering Intro Presentation
Sadhguru said, "Meditation is the only freedom from all the stress that man is going through because this dimension of life is not of the mind. All stress and struggle is of the mind."
Inner Engineering Intro Presentation (led by an Isha Yoga trained teacher)
Sunday, January 28, 2007 from 7:00-8:30 pm
FREE @ balancedYOGA
Isha Yoga programs are designed by Sadhguru as a 'live' process; it is a rare opportunity for self-discovery under the guidance of a realized yogi. These programs offer interactive discussions, meditations, and a balanced set of simple, but powerful yoga practices.
The Inner Engineering program includes Shambhavi Maha Madra, an ancient kriya (internal process) never before offered publicly.
Together the program and practices establish health and vitality, enhance mental calm and clarity, and instill a deep sense of joy. This foundation of total wellbeing accelerates personal growth, allowing you to tap the wealth of vibrant life within you.
Call 614/267-6937 or visit to register online or for more information.
Isha Yoga: it's all within you. ...are you willing?
Inner Engineering Intro Presentation (led by an Isha Yoga trained teacher)
Sunday, January 28, 2007 from 7:00-8:30 pm
FREE @ balancedYOGA
Isha Yoga programs are designed by Sadhguru as a 'live' process; it is a rare opportunity for self-discovery under the guidance of a realized yogi. These programs offer interactive discussions, meditations, and a balanced set of simple, but powerful yoga practices.
The Inner Engineering program includes Shambhavi Maha Madra, an ancient kriya (internal process) never before offered publicly.
Together the program and practices establish health and vitality, enhance mental calm and clarity, and instill a deep sense of joy. This foundation of total wellbeing accelerates personal growth, allowing you to tap the wealth of vibrant life within you.
Call 614/267-6937 or visit to register online or for more information.
Isha Yoga: it's all within you. ...are you willing?
Monday, January 08, 2007
Happy New Year!

The studio is offering a variety of yoga intro series, including:
Intro to Hatha - January 15th
6-weeks / Mondays from 7:30-9 p / Cost: $75
Kids Yoga (ages 7-12) - January 16th
6-weeks / Tuesdays from 4:30-5:15 p / Cost: $60
Yoga for Teens - January 19th
6-weeks / Fridays from 4:30-5:30 p / Cost: $60
Intro to Ashtanga - January 21st
10-weeks / Sundays from 1:30-3 p / Cost: $125
Mindfulness Meditation - January 24th
5-weeks / Wednesdays from 7:30-9 p / Cost: $75
All series require pre-registration. You can sign up online or by calling 614/265-9642.
If you've stopped in recently, you probably noticed our new retail area located in the lobby. Many thanks to Tracy for making that possible! Also, Beaker would like to extend her appreciation to everyone who attended the Holiday Yoga classes. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise $186, which will be donated to the Sri Karunamayi free hospital and Physicians Without Borders.
Best wishes for the New Year!
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